martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Into darkness

El director Peter Cornwell adaptará la novela de Joseph Conrad con ese título. La adptación mas conocida de la obra la llevó a cabo en 1979 un tal Francis Ford Coppola. Apocalipsis now. 
A ver si os suena la sinopsis del film de Cornwell:

APOCALYPSE 2388. Earth is on the brink of extinction. Legendary explorer KURTZ has been sent on a desperate last bid mission to scout an unknown planet on the far side of the universe. A planet that may sustain human life.

But communication with Kurtz mysteriously ceases and rookie flight officer MARLOW is assigned the perilous task of completing the objective. Tracking Kurtz into the unknown he reaches it. A new earth. And a race of beings at the dawn of time.

But Kurtz has his own plans for the new world and man's last hope for survival. And to achieve it he will take man to the only place that will protect paradise. Into darkness.

 Concept para la película que se espera se estrene a lo largo de 2013